How it works

How to find your own unique solution:

You’ve been looking for external solutions, when the world doesn’t currently value mid-life women.

You’ve been waiting for someone to give you the chance, to show you the way.

You’ve been trying to make sure everyone else’s needs are met.

Meanwhile your mid-life energies are calling out for you to centre yourself in your own life.

Alice Bulmer life coach

Here’s my recipe:

Centre yourself.


Recognise and appreciate your beautiful uniqueness.

Acknowledge your hopes and desires – what you really want to do in this lifetime.

Take stock of where you are, including strengths that you already have.

Also list what you don’t yet know, what you’re not doing (as far as you know right now!).

Set realistic goals that take into account your own rhythms and circumstances.

Work towards your desired outcomes, with accountability and encouragement.

Get support from someone who can help you understand what you’re doing, and help you solve problems when they come up. So they don’t stop you in your tracks.

It’s really hard to do this on your own!


Are you ready to get started?


To find out about booking a coaching session, CLICK HERE to go to my Work with Me page.

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I’ll also send you a free copy of my mini-book, Get the play back into playing: 12 creativity hacks for musicians. It’s full of ideas for anyone who wants to be more creative and playful.

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I love sharing resources.

A few of my favourite blogs:
Songs to Remember
The family bat
Living with Alice in Wonderland
Jamie Fraser, my maths teacher
My life with green salad
Coming to the end of a rug