The family bat

The family bat

My mother, Susan Bulmer, has a bat named after her. Bulmer’s Fruit Bat, Aproteles bulmerae. It’s a giant fruit bat from the remote highlands of New Guinea. And it used to be extinct, but probably isn’t. As a young woman, before she was tied down with children,...

How it works

How it works How to find your own unique solution: You’ve been looking for external solutions, when the world doesn’t currently value mid-life women. You’ve been waiting for someone to give you the chance, to show you the way. You’ve been trying to make sure everyone...

Is this you?

 Is this you? You know it’s time for your talents to bloom. But all your energy is being taken up by other things: family, work, community and more. You know it’s your turn, but you don’t know how to get going. You’re feeling like you haven’t yet achieved what...
Name dropping

Name dropping

Names hold power. Our personal names are vectors, co-ordinates by which we locate ourselves in time and space, relationships, culture and more. I’m still bearing the names I was given at birth: Alice Mary Bulmer. It’s not a very harmonious collection of names. For...

Music path life coaching

Music path life coaching You know that for you, music is a piece of your soul purpose, the work you came here to do in this life. But you’ve struggled to find a musical niche that fits your unique talents and doesn’t lead to burnout. Your musical space in the world....