Creative life activation

I have a passion for helping  people start using their talents.

For ten years I’ve been teaching ukulele to adult learners.

I’ve helped hundreds of people work through the tender process of letting their musical gifts bloom, playing ukulele and singing too.

I’m now helping people connect with and activate all sorts of talents.

I take a very broad view of creativity.

It could be a song, a painting, a book, a community event, a small business, a research project. (I’ve even supported three people through PhDs.)

I get to witness as people’s talents start blossoming.

When clients experience the joy of being in creative flow. And when they start bringing a project through from a dream, into existence.


It took me such a long time time to find my own musical sweet spot.


When I was six years old, my mother, Sue, gave me a ukulele. She taught me three chords and three songs.

It was like a light went on for me. I thought: ‘This is so much fun! This is what I’m going to do for the rest of my life!”

But it wasn’t that easy.

Having started me off, my mother didn’t follow up. She had three children and a passion for being an archaeologist. She just had too many other things to do.

Soon afterwards, I was sent off to violin lessons. Which weren’t fun or joyful. The teacher was mean and scary.

I spent more than four decades exploring a lot of musical genres. I went down many rabbit holes.

I’ve played many instruments in everything from symphony orchestras to rock bands.

When I finally found my way back to the ukulele, things started making sense at last.

I think exploring is part of our human life journey.

But I don’t think everyone should have to spend quite as long as I did on unmapped roads, before I reached a place where I could use my own unique talents.

That’s why I’d love to help you.

Is this you? Click here to read more.

A bit more about me:

  • I live in the Waikato region of Aotearoa-New Zealand.
  • I love working and playing with folk all over the world via online platforms. Which is great, because New Zealand is far, far away from everywhere else!
  • As well as music, one of my other creative outlets is food. My blog, the Waikato Foodbasket, celebrates the local food of my region of New Zealand.
  • I’m a student of Sarah Peyton’s Resonant Language Healing. I love this modality for its potential to heal life traumas and repattern our brains, with kindness and compassion.
  • I trained as a coach with Julie Parker’s Beautiful You Coaching Academy. I chose this training because I resonate with Julie’s values and her view of coaching for empowerment and social change.
  • I spent my childhood in Papua New Guinea. If you’re curious about why, read about my adventurous parents here: My father the giant and The family bat.
  • I used to be annoyed at Alice in Wonderland, but now I’m embracing my namesake.

Would you like to stay in touch?

I love sharing resources, ideas and practices that I’ve found helpful.

If you sign up here, I’ll send you semi-regular emails. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Plus I’ll send you a free copy of my mini-book, Get the play back into playing: 12 creativity hacks for musicians.

It’s full of ideas for anyone who wants to be more creative and playful.

How valuable is your

“one wild and precious life”?

A few of my favourite blogs:
Songs to Remember
The family bat
Living with Alice in Wonderland
Jamie Fraser, my maths teacher
My life with green salad
Coming to the end of a rug